Architects’ Council of Europe
This European organisation represents the architectural profession at European level. Their headquarters and Secretariat are located in Brussels. The Architects’ Council of Europe monitors developments at EU level, seeking to influence those areas of EU policy and legislation that have an impact on architectural practice and on the overall quality and sustainability of the built environment.
European Association for Architectural Education
An international non-profit association committed to the exchange of ideas and people within the field of architectural education and research. The EAAE aims to improve the knowledge base and the quality of architectural and urban design education.
Audiences and Participation
Audiences Europe Network
A network for cultural professionals to talk about their audiences which aims is to establish links across national and cultural borders.
European Network for Active Participation in Cultural Activities (AMATEO)
AMATEO helps develop the capacity of national and regional participatory arts organisations, and their networks, to operate transnationally. It is a network for those who believe that active participation in cultural activities should be better acknowledged for its importance to art, society, and individuals; should be recognised as worthy of support from national and EU institutions; should be encouraged by the reduction of bureaucratic obstacles.
Cultural Policy and Research
Culture Action Europe
An advocacy and lobby organisation promoting arts and culture as a building block of the European project. Their aim is to influence European policies for more and better access to culture across the continent and beyond.
Culturelink, the Network of Networks for Research and Cooperation in Cultural Development, was established by UNESCO and the Council of Europe. For the past 20 years, it has primarily been serving as a platform for research in the field of cultural development, cultural policies and international cultural cooperation.
EUNIC is the network of the European National Institutes for Culture. Formed in 2006, EUNIC is a recognised leader in culture cooperation governed by its 33 members from 27 countries and over 90 clusters based in different locations around the globe. EUNIC’s mission is to promote European values and to contribute to cultural diversity inside and outside of the EU, through collaboration between European cultural institutes around the world. EUNIC’s aim is to expand the role of culture in Europe, and to strengthen cultural dialogue, exchange and sustainable cooperation with countries outside the EU.
European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies
This organisation is concerned with intensifying networking in the cultural field. Activities include creating new public spheres against the conservative hegemonial discourse of cultural identity and representation, effectively introducing issues of cultural politics into discussions on democratic politics and reflecting and developing exemplary artistic practices.
The Council of Europe/ERICarts “Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe” is a web-based and regularly updated information and monitoring system of national cultural policies in Europe. It is a long-term project which aims to include all 50 member states co-operating within the context of the European Cultural Convention.
European Cultural Foundation
Through activities, grants, advocacy, publications and digital presence, the European Cultural Foundation links policies and practice to initiate and support cultural exchange and creative expression across wider Europe. It shares knowledge across the European cultural sector, and campaigns for the arts on all levels of political decision-making.
European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC)
The ENCC represents 3000 cultural centres. It supports and facilitates its members to reach their goals and by helping them to create networks and encouraging cooperation on local, regional, national and international levels.
Trans Europe Halles (TEH)
TEH is a Europe-based network of cultural centres initiated by citizens and artists. It has brought together nearly 90 multidisciplinary cultural centres and other cultural organisations from across Europe. Its mission is to strengthen the sustainable development of non-governmental cultural centres and encourage new initiatives by connecting, supporting and promoting them.
TEH facilitates international cooperation, provides opportunities for learning and sharing, and promotes the practice, impact and value of arts and culture.
European Dancehouse Network (EDN)*
EDN is a network for trust and cooperation between European dancehouses sharing a common vision regarding the development of dance art across borders. It aims to secure a sustainable future for the dance sector and to improve relevance for diverse dance among society.
Life Long Burning (LLB)*
LLB is a project dedicated to the sustainable support of the European contemporary dance and performance field and the enlargement of its audience.
RESEO – European Network for Opera and Dance Education*
RESEO is a European network for education, participation and creative learning in opera and dance.
Art Directors Club of Europe (ADC*E)*
ADC*E is an international community gathering top creatives in visual communication, with annual awards celebrating the best in European design and advertising.
GÉANT Association
The GÉANT Association is the leading collaboration on network and related infrastructure and services for the benefit of research and education, contributing to Europe's economic growth and competitiveness. The GÉANT Association is owned by its core membership. This includes 36 National Members, which are European national research and education network (NREN) organisations, and one Representative Member - NORDUnet - which participates on behalf of five Nordic NRENs.
European Cities and Regions
Banlieues d’Europe
A resource centre of cultural and artistic innovation in Europe, Banlieues d’Europe brings together 118 international active partners and 7500 contacts in Europe. The network is constituted of cultural actors, artists, militants, social workers, local councillors and researchers. Their joint objective is to exchange practices and information and to get away from isolation in order to valorise cultural action projects in deprived neighbourhoods with excluded communities.
This network of major European cities brings together the elected local and municipal governments of over 130 of Europe's largest cities and 40 partner cities, that between them govern 130 million citizens across 35 countries. EUROCITIES was founded in 1986 by the mayors of six large cities: Barcelona, Birmingham, Frankfurt, Lyon, Milan and Rotterdam.
Through six thematic forums, a wide range of working groups, projects, activities and events, we offer members a platform for sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas. We influence and work with the EU institutions to respond to common issues that affect the day-to-day lives of Europeans.
European Walled Towns (EWT)
EWT is the international association for sustainable development of walled towns, walled cities and fortified historic towns in Europe. EWT aims to promote the many mutual interests shared by walled towns; it wishes to maintain and strengthen the historic walled towns for future generations by applying for European funding and partaking in European projects.
Les Rencontres*
The Association of European cities and regions for Culture - Les Rencontres - was created in 1994 and gathers 112 members from 25 countries in Europe and beyond. Their representative and interdisciplinary network enables debates, exchanges of practices and cooperations between local and regional policy-makers, experts, culture professionals, trend watchers and artists from all over Europe. It aims at enabling local and regional elected leaders to work on local cultural policies and on the setting up of joint-projects with a European dimension. It also aims at giving more visibility and impact to innovative policies and projects which are elaborated on the ground.
European Festivals Association (EFA)*
The EFA is the umbrella organisation for festivals across Europe and beyond. One of the oldest cultural networks in Europe, it was founded in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1952 as a joint initiative of the eminent conductor Igor Markevitch and the great philosopher Denis de Rougemont. Since its foundation, the Association has grown from 15 festivals into a dynamic network representing about 100 music, dance, theatre and multidisciplinary festivals, national festival associations and cultural organisations from 40 countries.
Yourope – The European Festival Association
Yourope members are dedicated to improving the European festival scene in terms of working conditions, health and safety issues, environmental awareness, exchange of knowledge and information and promoting the cross-border exchange of live music talent.
European Forum of Worldwide Music Festivals (EFWMF)
The FWMF is a network of festivals focusing on global music and local cultures. WThe main focus of the EFWMF is artistic. Interaction and collaboration between members is the core activity, but the EFWMF also seeks to facilitate links to non-European festivals and networks within the music community. The network has 45 festival members, representing a wide variety of European world music festivals. EFWMF initiated the worldwide music expos WOMEX and STRICTLY MUNDIAL, and is closely connected to various music markets and events worldwide.
European Talent Exchange Programme (ETEP)
Since 2003 Eurosonic Noorderslag has organized the European Talent Exchange Programme (ETEP). Since the start of the ETEP programme in 2003 a total of 1970 shows by 708 European artists from 26 countries were presented at the 81 ETEP festivals (2003 -2013). Together with the 81 main music festivals in Europe, 25 European public radio stations united in the EBU and supported by the international music press, we help Eurosonic Noorderslag artists to cross borders in Europe and build European and international careers
Film and Media
Association of European Film Archives and Cinémathèques
ACE is an affiliation of 40 national and regional film archives and cinémathèques from all over Europe. Its role is to protect and promote the European film heritage and to ensure its visibility and accessibility for future generations.
Europa Cinemas*
Europa Cinemas is the first film theatre network focusing on European films. Its objective is to provide operational and financial support to cinemas that commit themselves to screen a significant number of European non-national films, to offer events and initiatives as well as promotional activities targeted at Young Audiences.
Europa Distribution*
Europa Distribution is an association of independent film distributors, with more than 140 members, representing 28 countries in Europe and beyond, it serves as the voice of the sector and acts as a network and a think tank.
European Children's Film Association (ECFA)*
ECFA is an organisation for those interested in high quality films for children and young people; film makers, producers, promoters, distributors, exhibitors, TV-programmers, festival organizers and film educators. Currently the ECFA has more than 60 members, coming from 23 different countries.
European Documentary Network (EDN)*
EDN is a global network for professionals working with documentary film and TV. With close to 1,000 members from more than 60 countries the organisation is open to both newcomers and established filmmakers from around the world. EDN provides documentary consulting and informs about possibilities for funding, financing, development, co-production, distribution and collaboration across borders.
European Film Agency Directors Association (EFADs)
The EFADs aim is to ensure the existence of an environment conducive to the development of a European policy that supports audiovisual and cinematographic creativity in Europe and which guarantees the effective distribution of European works both in Europe and worldwide.
European Film Gateway
The EFG Portal gives you quick access to hundreds of thousands of film historical documents as preserved in European film archives and cinémathèques: photos, posters, programmes, periodicals, censorship documents, rare feature and documentary films, newsreels and other materials. Targeted at scientific researchers and the interested public alike, the EFG offers a look at and behind the scenes of filmmaking in Europe from the early days until today.
Federation of European Film Directors (FERA)
FERA represents directors as the primary creators of audiovisual works and works to enhance the recognition of the cultural significance of audiovisual works.
Filming Europe (EUFCN)*
EUFCN is a non-profit association which supports and promotes the European film industry and culture. Its main goals are to create a network of the most active European Film Commissions; to promote the exchange of information between members; to sustain the development of location searches and shooting opportunities; and to carry out professional and educational activities for members
A network of cultural labs intersecting art, science, nature and everyday life.
European Library
The European Library is an independent not-for-profit library services organisation supported by CENL, LIBER and CERL. The European Library importantly works to strengthen and support libraries across the continent. Member libraries benefit from a powerful, low-cost aggregation structure enabling a greater exposure of digital resources and bibliographic records. We collect, enrich and innovate with libraries' data and content for the widest possible dissemination. The European Library's mission is to be the central data hub for library data in Europe.
The European Bureau of Library
The European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations is an independent umbrella association of library, information, documentation and archive associations and institutions in Europe
This network of European cultural journals links up more than 80 partner journals and associated magazines and institutions from nearly all European countries. Eurozine is also a netmagazine which publishes articles from its partner journals with additional translations into one of the major European languages.
Federation of European Publishers (FEP)
FEP is an independent, non-commercial umbrella association of book publishers associations in the European Union. FEP represents 28 national associations of book publishers of the European Union and of the European Economic Area.
European Booksellers Federation
A non-commercial European umbrella association representing national Booksellers’ Associations in the EU and EEA.
European Publishers Council (EPC)
The EPC monitors and reacts to any proposals for EU legislation or regulation that might affect the media industry. The EPC aims to sustain and grow Europe’s media economy in print, in broadcast and online and to protect freedom of speech and democracy in the European Union.
European Writer Congresses
Based in Brussels, the European Writer's Congress (EWC) is an organisation representing individual writers from across Europe. The 60,000-member group includes writers from 58 member organizations from 30 European countries.
European Writers’ Council
It supports the literature of Europe and its writers while contributing to the debate on the role of creators, culture and cultural policy in the ever growing European Union. Their members represent over 150,000 authors in the text-sector who write in all genres and in 40 languages.
PEN International
Founded to unite writers irrespective of their culture, language or political opinion, PEN International is the world's leading association of writers, working to promote literature and defend freedom of expression around the world.
Federation for European Storytelling (FEST)*
The Federation of European Storytelling is a European network of organisations and associations active in the field of storytelling
On the Move (OTM)
OTM is a cultural mobility information network with more than 35 members in over 20 countries across Europe and beyond, whose mission is to encourage and facilitate cross-border mobility and cooperation.
Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes
Pépinières supports the mobility of young artists and promotes their work
Museums and Heritage
Association of Cultural Encounter Centres (ACCR)
Founded in 1972, the ACCR comprises 22 members in France and 22 in Europe and further afield (Canada, Brazil, Australia). The label ‘Cultural Encounter Centre’ (Centre culturel de rencontre or CCR) has come to mark out a project which is artistic, cultural or intellectual, working in synergy with a major heritage site.
Association of European Open Air Museums (AEOM)
The aim of the AEOM is the exchange of scientific, technical, practical and organizational experience relative to open-air museums, and the promotion of the activities of open air museums in general. AEOM is affiliated to ICOM - International Council of Museums.
Association of European Royal Residences (ARRE)
Formed of the institutions in charge of the most prestigious palace museums in Europe, ARRE’s goal is to develop and manage the network of European royal residences, notably by organising experience-sharing and training activities, as well as partnership, promotional, co-production and co-editing projects.
Europa Nostra*
Europa Nostra rewards the best of cultural heritage achievements through our European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards; it campaigns against the many threats to Europe’s cultural heritage; and lobbies to make cultural heritage a European priority.
European Forum of Heritage Associations
It raises awareness of the cultural heritage of Europe through the creation of a network for the non-professional world, in particular in the field of archaeology, and by organising international exchange programmes for individual members, especially for young audiences, to encourage them to actively participate in the research, protection and promotion of the cultural heritage of Europe.
European Museum Forum
This non-profit organisation is committed to raising the standard of museums in Europe and celebrates excellence in this field through conference, partnership opportunities and the annual European Museum of the Year Award.
Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO)*
This independent network of national museum organisations representing the museum community of the member states of the Council of Europe and brings together over 30,000 museums across Europe. NEMO ensures museums are an integral part of European life by promoting their work and value to policy makers and by providing museums with information, networking and opportunities for co-operation.
European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH)*
ERIH is the tourism information network of industrial heritage in Europe, currently representing more than 1,000 sites in 44 European countries.
Future for Religious Heritage*
Future for Religious Heritage brings together those who work to protect religious heritage across Europe. Members include NGOs, charities, government, religious and university departments
Training and Education
RESEO – European Network for Opera and Dance Education
RESEO is a European network for education, participation and creative learning in opera and dance.
Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC)
The Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) is a European cultural and educational network with over 300 member institutions for professional music training in 57 countries.
ENCATC is a European network founded in 1992 to represent, advocate and promote cultural management and cultural policy education, professionalise the cultural sector to make it sustainable, and to create a platform of discussion and exchange at the European and international level.
European League of Institutes of the Arts - ELIA
ELIA is the primary independent network organisation for higher arts education.
European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA)
The European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) is the voice of non-formal adult education in Europe. EAEA is a European NGO with 123 member organisations in 42 countries and represents more than 60 million learners Europe-wide.
Visual Arts
Réseau Art Nouveau Network
Founded by a large group of institutions from various European cities with a rich Art Nouveau heritage, this network aims to keep professionals informed and to make the general public aware of the cultural significance and European dimension of Art Nouveau.
Youth / Young People
Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI)
JMI is a youth music network which aims to support young musicians, young audiences, youth empowerment and youth orchestras and ensembles.
Association pour la Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée (BJCEM)
The main aim of BJCEM is to promote the youth contemporary creation and creativity by offering young artists different opportunities to produce and showcase their works in every artistic and creative field. It organises Mediterranea 17, Young Artists Biennial, a multi-disciplinary itinerant event where young artists from different countries are invited to showcase their works.
Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes
Pépinières supports the mobility of young artists and promotes their work.
European Children's Film Association (ECFA)
ECFA is an organisation for those interested in high quality films for children and young people; film makers, producers, promoters, distributors, exhibitors, TV-programmers, festival organizers and film educators. Currently the ECFA has more than 60 members, coming from 23 different countries.
Video Games
European Games Developer Federation (EGDF)
EDGF is committed to the stimulation and development of a stable, vibrant and creative European games development sector that is competitive globally and recognised culturally. Representing some 600 studios, the EGDF acts to advance the political and economic interests of the European computer and video games industry by providing a platform for collaboration and discussion between European institutions and game developers.