de:LUX is a new platform for developing and maintaining the AV installation creative community in Iceland, Norway and the UK. It is a series of non-competitive collaborative creative events where visual and sonic artists are partnered up to deliver a time-bound light and sound installation challenge over 48 hours, resulting in a guerrilla light trail through unique locations in each town. Provided with equipment, space and locations to exhibit/install the aim is to provide artist mobility experiences, enable skill-sharing and hands on experience with new technologies, build new opportunities for artists to create silo-breaking work and put the focus back on creative ideas over and above technology alone. At its core is using modern digital creative technology as tools rather than the medium and the mantra forged by the Kino-Kabaret film movement “Do well with nothing, do better with little, but do it now!”.
Slemmestad, Norway
The first edition of de:LUX was held with our project partners Factory Light Festival in Slemmestad, Norway bringing together Icelandic musicians Anton Kaldal aka Tonik Ensemble and Hafdís Bjarnadóttir with Norwegian AV artists Ingrid Solvik and Reidun Solvik. In 48 hours a new Music and AV installation was created from scratch and performed as part of the festival on an industrial silo.
Remarks from Anton Kaldal (IS) about the process:
“Although the idea was to make a draft, you discover that within the limited timeframe the prototype is much more refined and feels more complete than expected”.
”Timeframe sounds stressful but wasnt (perfection isnt an option); you bypass the brain”