Experimental Art Film Steinrunninn (Petrified) by Chris Paul Daniels and Anton Kaldal
Einkofi Productions is home to the work of Creative Producer Agusta Thorarinsdottir and her team - an independent arts collective who work internationally connecting music, art, design, technology, literature, performance and education. We are experts in Creative Europe and UK/Nordic Collaboration able to initiate and support on funding, strategy, development and delivery of creative projects. We regularly run training and development sessions for creative organisations and our experienced team can help you shape and develop arts, heritage, music, performance and festival projects.
We work with the shining lights of the British and Nordic creative scene to create roads into the more obscure, left-field and risk-taking innovators. Einkofi events demonstrably create spaces for friendships, conversation and sharing of ideas to bloom developing the skills, platforms and networks to support new co-operations, collaborations and co-productions that blossom beyond the moment.
We seek to promote international creative collaborations driven by sustainable, elegant, effective partnerships and our most recent project Moving Classics Sonic Flux highlighted the importance of cross sector/cross boarder collaboration in the development of arts sector in the countries we work in.
If you need help developing a cultural arts project or need assistance with funding please get in touch.
Einkofi Production’s Funders and Collaborators